
Meike Schmidt



T +49.40.539 323 180

Areas of expertise


German and English


Ms Schmidt advises and represents our clients predominantly in matters concerning labour law. The focus of her work is on individual labour law, in particular support in conducting proceedings for protection against dismissal, and in the clarification of structural internal issues in dealing with employees (dismissal protection law and occupational health and safety, etc.).

Furthermore, Ms Schmidt has particular expertise in the area of works constitution law, especially in questions of co-determination. She supports our clients in the enforcement of their rights in conciliation board proceedings, as well as before the labour courts.

Ms Schmidt works throughout Germany, but predominantly in the north of the country.

Following her degree in law at the University of Göttingen, she completed her legal clerkship with a focus on commercial law, including a period in Estonia (Tallin). After being admitted to the bar in 2021, she initially worked in litigation law at a larger commercial law firm. In 2022, she joined ENDEMANN.SCHMIDT at the Hamburg office, complementing our labour law team.

T +49.40.539 323 180

The Team